Profile photo of GASIRIGWA S.


Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

$200 - $300 / Day


Gasirigwa Sengiyumva is a Tanzanian national and a Journalist by Profession. He has worked for both state owned and private print media in Tanzania. Basically, he has worked on rural reporting on various areas ranging from agriculture to water, technology and education. He has written several articles and some of them have provoked some positive changes in the country. He has worked as a Country Coordinator for the Canadian based Journalist for Human Rights (JHR). Currently, he works as a Programme/Information & Research Officer for the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Tanzania Chapter. Among the items in his job description includes conducting research on the most secretive and most open public institutions in Tanzania but also media monitoring for press freedom violations and media law and policy advocacy. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication from Kampala International University in Uganda.

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