Profile photo of Elegance D.

Elegance D.

St. Louis, MO, USA

$500 - $30000 / Day


With over a decade of experience behind the lens, I have mastered the art of capturing the essence of fashion, the soul of portraits, and the vibrancy of events. I am a traveling photographer based in St.Louis, MO with a degree in Design from The University of the District of Columbia. At a young age, my father was captivated by how visually keen my eye was to people and the finished product. When interview my father stated, “Elegance always could visualize a finished product with people and art despite how rough the beginning may have looked.” This quote has been the foundation of my business. Taking a vision and bringing it to life through the art of photography. My work focuses on portraits with editorial and fashion finishes. My goal is to capture the beauty in the young and those of age. My love for people and being able to connect and hear my client’s unique journey has remained my foundation. Today, Elegance has been published in fashion and editorial magazine

Top Services

Fashion Photographer
Event Photographer
Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist

Top Projects



  • 4K Camera

All Services

Production Support

  • Fashion Photographer
  • Event Photographer
  • Portrait Photographer
  • Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist