Profile photo of Rachael P.

Rachael P.

Chattanooga, TN, USA

$800 - $1300 / Day


Rachael Porter is an award-winning Director and Director of Photography, with a passion for creating people-centered docu-style work, and collaborating with others. She believes in the power of stories to impact individuals and communities. Her first narrative short, "Greenhouse," received a Telly Gold Award in 2023. This film weaves together poetry, dance, and music as it follows an aspiring flower farmer on her journey to start a flower farm, and unexpected opposition she battles. In all her work, Rachael gravitates toward creating films that explore the essence of being human and connect communities through shared experiences. Her favorite week of the summer is at Urban Avenues Film Camp. As an Assistant Program Director, she imparts the power of storytelling and visually compelling filmmaking to the next generation. Her portfolio includes projects for clients such as Fujifilm NA, 60sec Docs, Hearst Media, Bloomberg Digital, and numerous non-profits and small businesses.

Top Services

Creative Director
Documentary DP
Non-Fiction Film Director

Top Projects



  • 4K Camera


  • Lavalier Microphone

All Services

Production Support

  • Non-Fiction Film Director
  • Documentary DP
  • Commercial DP


  • Creative Director